Image properties

To view the following properties in the Property inspector, select an image in the Document window.

The Property inspector initially displays the most commonly used properties. Click the expander arrow in the lower right corner to see all properties.

Name Lets you name an image so you can refer to it with a scripting language such as JavaScript or VBScript.

W and H Reserve space for an image on a page as it loads in a browser. Dreamweaver automatically fills these fields with the image's original size. Default and unlabeled values are pixels. You can also specify the following units: pc (picas), pt (points), in (inches), mm (millimeters), and cm (centimeters), and combinations thereof, such as 2in+5mm; Dreamweaver converts the values to pixels in the HTML source code.

If you set W and H values that do not correspond to the actual width and height of the image, your image may not display properly in a browser. (To restore the original values, click the field labels.) You can change these values to scale the display size of this instance of the image, but this does not reduce download time, because the browser downloads all image data before scaling the image. To reduce download time and to ensure that all instances of an image appear at the same size, use an image-editing application to scale images.

Src Specifies the source file for the image. Click the folder icon to browse to the source file, or type the path. For information on entering paths, see About absolute paths.

Link Specifies a hyperlink for the image. Drag the Point-to-File icon to a file in the Site window, click the folder icon to browse to a document on your site, or type the URL.

Align Aligns an image and text on the same line. See Aligning elements.

Alt Specifies alternative text that appears in place of the image for text-only browsers or for browsers that have been set to download images manually. For visually impaired users who use speech synthesizers with text-only browsers, the text is spoken out loud. In some browsers, this text also appears when the pointer is over the image.

V Space and H Space Add space, in pixels, above, below, and on both sides of the image.

Target Specifies the frame or window in which the linked page should load. (This option is not available when there is no link on the image.) The names of all the frames in the current document appear on the list. If the specified frame does not exist when the document is opened in a browser, the linked page loads into a new window that has the name you specified. Once this window exists, other files can be targeted to it. You can also choose from the following reserved target names:

_blank loads the linked file into a new, unnamed browser window.
_parent loads the linked file into the parent frameset or window of the frame that contains the link. If the frame containing the link is not nested, the linked file loads into the full browser window.
_self loads the linked file into the same frame or window as the link. This target is implied, so you generally don't need to specify it.
_top loads the linked file into the full browser window, thereby removing all frames.

Low Src Specifies the image that should load before the main image. Many designers use a 2-bit (black and white) version of the main image because it loads quickly and gives visitors an idea of what they're waiting for, but you can use any image with the same dimensions as the main image.

Border Sets the width, in pixels, of the link border around the image. Enter 0 for no border.

Map Name Field Enables you to create client-side image maps. See Creating image maps.

Refresh Resets the W and H values to the original size of the image.

Edit Launches the image editor you specified in External Editors preferences and opens the selected image. When you save your image file and return to Dreamweaver, Dreamweaver updates the Document window with the edited image. See Using an external image editor.